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Shihan Spencer Fusselman

Shihan Spencer Fusselman photo Shihan Spencer Fusselman
  • 6th Degree Black Belt

Dr. Spencer R. Fusselman (Shihan)
Lead Pastor at Iron Lotus Ministerial Association
- U.S. Martial Arts Hall of Fame Inductee
- Founder and Chief Instructor of Shinja Kenpo Karate
- Founder of Iron Lotus Martial Arts Association.
Shihan Spencer is Currently a 6th-degree black belt and a multi-award-winning martial artist recognized nationally and internationally. Notable awards include the  United States Hall of Fame, Martial Arts Leadership Award & Shinja Martial Arts University Legendary Sensei Award among others.

Shihan Spencer started as many do: in kid’s karate classes at the YMCA. Through high school he had begun cross-training from Shotokan as a Jr. Instructor in Shou Shu Kung Fu. After joining the U.S. Army, he took some Military Combative classes and Jujitsu, which re-awakened his passion for karate.  He then expanded his karate training in Shaolin Kempo under Sifu Chris Dyer. As he rose to a Red Belt Instructor, he was transferred to Hawaii, where he was certified in Army hand-to-hand combat, and began training in the Tracy Kenpo System. After transferring to the Army Reserve, as a Chaplain, he earned 1st Dan in American Kenpo under Grand Master Greg Cole.  

Through his military career, Shihan Spencer learned that a holistic warrior is one who is spiritually, mentally, and physically prepared. Likewise, a holistic believer (Shinja) is one who is spiritually disciplined in the Word and in prayer, mentally disciplined to believe the truth while dismantling lies, and physically fit to follow where Christ may lead. As a local Pastor, he began work on blending his 17 years on the mats in various martial arts, (Shotokan, Shou Shu Kung Fu, American Kenpo, and Shaolin Kempo). Shihan Spencer also developed Shinja Kenpo Karate as an immersive Martial Arts and family discipleship journey, as a way to bridge the gap between physical and spiritual disciplines. Upon completion of the work, and international recognition of the Shinja Kenpo Karate System he earned 5th Dan under the tutelage of Grand Master John Enger of Shinja Martial Arts University who supervised the development of the art.